How to Clean Kitchen Floor Grout with Simple Solutions

Are your kitchen floor grout lines drab, dingy, and downright dirty? You don’t have to put up with the mess. Cleaning grout can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! With some know-how and suitable materials and our guide, you can know how to clean kitchen floor grout and quickly get your floor lines looking like new.

From warm water to hydrogen peroxide, we’ll show you how to make your grout sparkle without harsh chemicals or steam cleaning. Plus, we’ll explain how to select the correct type of grout and which tile cleaner will help you do the job correctly. Get ready to have your grout gleaming in no time!

What You’ll Need

kitchen cleaning tools on how to clean kitchen floor grout

Whether dealing with a small spot of dirt or a full-on grime invasion, you’ll need the right supplies. Here is a list of what you’ll need to get your grout lines sparkling and clean: 

– Warm Water: Warm water will do the trick for those everyday spills. 

– White Vinegar: White vinegar is a natural cleaner that can cut through dirt and grime. 

– Baking Soda: Baking soda is an excellent mild abrasive that can help scrub tough stains. 

– Hydrogen Peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent disinfectant that can help eliminate mold and mildew. 

– Grout Cleaner: Grout cleaner is specially formulated to help break down stubborn stains. 

– Grout Brush: A grout brush helps scrub dirt and grime from grout lines. 

– Electric Toothbrush: An electric toothbrush can get the job done for those hard-to-reach places. 

– Hot Water: Hot water can help quickly break down dirt and grime. 

– Tile Cleaner: To keep your tiles looking their best, a tile cleaner can help.

No matter the size of your grout-cleaning project, these supplies will prepare you to tackle any mess. Now that you have the supplies, it is time to get cleaning.

How to Clean Grout with Warm Water

Cleaning your kitchen floor grout can be tedious, but it doesn’t have to be. You can quickly and easily clean dirty grout lines with simple ingredients and warm water. All you need is a bucket, a scrubbing brush, and some elbow grease, and you can make your grout sparkle without the need for harsh chemicals or steam cleaning.

To start:

  1. Fill a bucket with warm water and a few drops of dish soap.
  2. Please give it a good stir to mix it up, and then take a scrubbing brush and dip it in the bucket.
  3. Start scrubbing the lines with the brush, going back and forth to loosen the dirt and grime. If it is still dirty, add a bit of white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide to the solution and give it another scrub.

You can also use a cleaner or brush for more stubborn stains. For adamant stains, you can even use an electric toothbrush.

Once the grout is clean, rinse the area with a damp cloth and dry it with a towel. Make sure you select the correct type of grout for your kitchen floor and use a tile cleaner to finish the job. With some elbow grease, you can quickly make your kitchen floor grout sparkle!

How to Clean Grout with White Vinegar

Cleaning grout with white vinegar is a simple and effective way to sparkle your kitchen floor. You’ll need white vinegar, a spray bottle, and a clean cloth to do the job right. To start:

  1. Spray the grout lines with vinegar and coat every inch of the grout.
  2. Use your cloth to scrub the grout lines until the dirt and grime are gone. If you find any stubborn stains, apply a bit of baking soda to the affected area and then scrub it with your cloth.
  3. Let the baking soda sit on the grout for a few minutes before scrubbing for maximum effect.
  4. Once you’re done, rinse the grout lines with hot water to remove any leftover residue.

With just a few minutes of work, you’ll have gleaming grout lines that look good as new!

You can watch the actual cleaning of Grout using vinegar and baking soda in this video:

YouTube video

How to Clean Grout with Baking Soda

Baking soda is an effective and economical solution for cleaning grout lines. It is a mild abrasive that helps remove built-up grime and dirt without scratching the surface of your tiles. To clean your kitchen floor grout with baking soda, you’ll need warm water, baking soda, a scrub brush, and a damp cloth.

First, mix two tablespoons of baking soda with one cup of warm water in a bowl. Use the scrub brush to apply the paste to the floor grout. Make sure to work the paste into all the nooks and crannies. After leaving the paste to sit for about 15 minutes, scrub the grout with the brush to remove any built-up dirt and debris. Finally, wipe the grout lines with a damp cloth to remove any residue.

Baking soda is an excellent solution for tackling mild to moderate grout stains and dirt. Be sure to use a gentle, circular motion while scrubbing the grout lines to avoid damaging the tiles. Additionally, cleaning regularly with baking soda will help prevent built-up dirt and grime and keep your kitchen floor grout looking as good as new.

How to Clean Grout with Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective and safe solution to clean stubborn stains in kitchen grout lines. Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and warm water in a spray bottle to tackle these tough spots. Then, liberally spray the solution on the affected area and let it sit for 10 minutes. Afterward, use a grout brush to scrub the area and rinse with clean water. It’s important to note that hydrogen peroxide can be harmful if left on surfaces for too long, so be sure to rinse the area thoroughly. You may need to apply the solution multiple times to achieve the desired results for tough stains. With some elbow grease, this simple solution can easily make grout lines look new.

How to Clean Grout with Grout Cleaner

Achieving spotless kitchen floor grout doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Using a suitable grout cleaner can make the job much easier. You only need a grout cleaner to remove stubborn dirt and debris from grout lines.

Start by wetting the affected area with warm water. Then, squirt the grout cleaner directly onto the dirt and grime and let it sit for a few minutes. After that, use a grout brush to scrub the area in a circular motion until all the dirt has been removed. Rinse the area with water, and you’re done!

You may need to use a combination of grout cleaner and a mild abrasive cleaner for the tougher stains. Apply the abrasive cleaner to the area, then use the grout brush to scrub in the same circular motion until the stain is gone. Rinse with water and let dry.

Use a grout cleaner specifically designed for the job for the best results. It will save you time and effort, and your kitchen floor will look good as new!

How to Clean Grout with Grout Brush

Cleaning grout with a brush is a great way to get your kitchen floor looking spotless and sparkling. It’s quick and easy and requires minimal effort. With the right brush and elbow grease, you can make the grout lines on your kitchen floor look brand new.

First, choose the best brush for your grout lines. A stiff-bristled brush removes stubborn dirt and grime, while soft-bristled brushes are perfect for gentle cleaning. Next, dampen the brush and add a bit of cleaning solution. Move the brush vertically over the grout line to scrub off the dirt. You can also use the brush to remove residue from the grout lines.

Lastly, rinse the grout lines to remove leftover soap or cleaning products. This is important to ensure no streaks or smears on the grout lines. You can use a damp cloth or rag to remove any remaining residue. With the right brush and elbow grease, you can easily make your kitchen floor look spotless and sparkling.

How to Clean Grout with an Electric Toothbrush

Cleaning grout with an electric toothbrush can be an effective way to remove tough stains. With the proper technique and tips, you can make your grout lines sparkle without much hassle. Here is what you need to do:

  • Remove any dirt and debris from the grout with a brush or vacuum.
  • Start by cleaning the grout with warm water and mild soap.
  • When the grout is clean, dip the electric toothbrush into hydrogen peroxide and water. 
  • Use the toothbrush to gently scrub the grout lines, moving the brush from side to side to get at the stubborn stains. 
  • Use a damp cloth to rinse the grout lines and remove any residue. 
  • You can use a grout cleaning solution or a paste of baking soda and water for extra stubborn stains. 
  • Let the paste sit for 10-15 minutes, then use the electric toothbrush to scrub away the stain. 
  • Once the grout lines are clean, dry the area with a clean cloth and let it air dry for an hour or so.

An electric toothbrush is a great way to deep clean your grout lines without harsh chemicals or steam cleaning. To get the best results, start with a clean surface and use gentle pressure with the toothbrush. With the proper technique, you can make your grout lines shine quickly!

How to Select the Right Type of Grout

When it comes to kitchen floor grout, choosing the right type for your application is important. Grouts can vary in color, texture, and density, requiring different cleaning approaches. The type of grout you choose will significantly impact the ease of cleaning and the longevity of the grout lines.

The most popular types of grout for kitchen floors are epoxy grouts and cementitious grouts. Epoxy grouts are extremely strong and resistant to staining and discoloration but can be challenging to clean. Cementitious grouts, on the other hand, are easier to clean but may not hold up as well under heavy foot traffic. When selecting the correct type of grout for your kitchen floor, consider the traffic and use of the area and the maintenance required to keep the grout lines looking their best.


Maintaining clean grout lines is a simple task when armed with everyday items such as warm water, white vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, grout cleaner, grout brush, and an electric toothbrush. By avoiding harsh chemicals and steam cleaning methods, one can achieve sparkling white grout without causing damage.

Additionally, understanding how to effectively tackle stubborn stains using the mentioned items is key. In combination with the proper grout, hot water, and tile cleaner, one can effortlessly achieve picture-perfect tile floors.

cleaning atom
Melissa Petarson

Discovering the beauty of cleanliness and organization in the face of adversity, I, Melissa Petarson, share my heartfelt journey with you. Battling breast cancer in 2001, I embarked on a quest to heal naturally, uncovering the remarkable impact of a clean living space on physical and mental well-being. Now residing in Oregon with my cherished family, I strive to create a haven of cleanliness and order. Through my writings, I aim to inspire you to embrace the transformative power of cleanliness, finding solace and joy in a harmonious environment. Let us embark on this journey together, crafting a life-enhancing sanctuary that nurtures our spirits and elevates our existence.